It's a habit I picked up when learning to type in high school back in the late 60's.
under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
If you use two spaces between sentences . . .
by compound complex insome of our writers do the above.
is it automatic formatting on your computer or do you do it deliberately?
i am interested in the whys and wherefores of how you write.
My mother passed away this morning...
by Tatiana infor any old-school ex-jws here that remember my many posts about my abusive jw mother and my sister committing suicide because of it...she passed away this morning because she began to bleed out and refused a transfusion.
she had been in the hospital for a month.
it appears she suffered a stroke and wasn't found by the brothers & sisters for three days (they missed her at the meetings).
under the radar
So sorry for your loss, Tatiana. I concur with other posters about not letting your uncle get away with this fraud. Unless he can produce a will that will stand up in court, it would seem that a child (like maybe, you) would be considered the legal next-of-kin and would have precedence over a brother in deciding what to do with the deceased's things. You definitely need to consult a lawyer. Given what you said has already happened, it is a good bet that this uncle of yours will either abscond with any money and insurance payouts himself or give it all to the Society. If he can't or won't produce a valid will, please don't let him get away with it.
Just my 2 cents worth...
A letter from a College Dropout
by Ethos indear harvard university,.
i have decided go leave this institution of education.
let me explain why.
under the radar
Sure seemed like one or two did...
A letter from a College Dropout
by Ethos indear harvard university,.
i have decided go leave this institution of education.
let me explain why.
under the radar
Chill out, folks. It seems to me that our dear Ethos (or is it Ethoz?) has written a little satire. What he supposedly said to "Harvard" is exactly what any one of us might say to the Faithless Indiscreet Slave, if we had the guts and the opportunity.
My wife and I bought a bar !!
by elder-schmelder ini think that we are a little crazy but we bought a bar in wisconsin last week.
here is a picture of my wife behind the bar.. .
i still work for my jw family, but my wife is going to run the bar.. .
under the radar
Congratulations! If I'm ever in your neck of the woods, I will be sure to stop in. Best of luck to you and yours...
How would you feel about this and would you steps to change the situation
by troubled mind innext week i am having surgery at the local hospital .
one of my old jw 'friends ', that no longer considers me worthy of even a hello ,is a surgical tech there .. would you take steps to ask she not be on the operating team ?
it was brought to my attention today that i do have the right to ask for that person not to be present because of personal issues .. what would you do ?
under the radar
If it were me, I would ask that this person NOT be assigned to my case. If your care required something not approved by HER conscience, how do you know she would provide you the best medical care without regard to her personal feelings. Even if she did do the correct thing medically, she would probably feel obligated to report (or try to coerce you to report) to the elders anything not approved by the Society, medical ethics be damned...
Now that the Storm is over in the Northeast,
by ldrnomo incan we hear from any of you that went through it?.
do you have power yet?.
are you staying with friends?.
under the radar
We live about 50 miles northwest of Boston. It rained fairly hard and the wind was sure blowing Monday night, but that's about all. A few neighbors lost some tree limbs, but none of the houses in our neighborhood seem to have been damaged. We never lost power or internet. Could have been much worse.
We sure feel bad for the ones who were affected. We made a special contribution to a reputable oufit that helps people in these situations, and encourage all who can to do the same.
Are Texas women cows?
by kurtbethel inlikely not, but this one is acting like one, and it's a good thing..
a mother in north texas has been awarded a guinness world record for donating breast milk.. alicia richman, 28, from granbury, pumped over 86 gallons between june 2011 and march 2012 for donation to the mothers milk bank of north texas, a nonprofit that supplies neonatal intensive care units.. the vast quantity equates to 11,000oz - to put it into context, a typical newborn's feed is around 3oz.. she told cbs dfw: 'i pumped at work, on vacations, in the car.
and i never had to buy formula.'.
under the radar
This woman should be praised, not made fun of. I think she is being very generous and compassionate, even altruistic. She's going to a lot of trouble and probably expense to help others.
By the way, her extreme productivity probably has nothing at all to do with the size of her mammary glands. Her system just seems to be highly efficient. And her attitude about helping others is to be commended. You go, girl!
under the radar
Message received and responded to.
Please read
by JeffT inmy father passed around 9 this morning.
he'd been in poor health for some time, but it still comes as a shock to have him gone.
we are going to miss him terribly.
under the radar
Jeff, I'm so sorry for your loss. But man, what a legacy! Both your parents set fine examples of what a good education, keen curiosity, and a love for humanity can accomplish. Compared with the drivel the JWs put out about their "life-saving work," your parents were giants. May the memories of his life well-lived bring you comfort in this difficult time. My best to you and yours...